What Can We Learn From This Scorpio Full Moon.
Full Moon in Scorpio Monday, April 26, 20217° 05'Time: 8:31 p.m. PST 11:31p.m. EST
Based on the placement of this full moon and other alignments.
This will be a good time to take a deep look at our emotions, feelings and thoughts.
Seek out what is true and what isn't. Hold on to what is true so that it can guide you to speak from your heart in a more gentle way.
There's a need and a great opportunity for deep self healing before speaking.
When you do speak from this time of reflecting and healing, it will be mindful and your exchanges of communication will match your true feelings to bring about the best results and lasting relationships.
Your pass communications may not have been good leading up to this full moon but we can always take the time to correct what needs to be improved.
This is the 12 house work that we need to do to clear out our own personal unconscious behaviour and unconscious collective behaviour that limit our true potential.
How can slowing down, having faith that all is well and will be well and trusting our gut feelings which is our intuition before making personal decision benefit us?What outside entertainment or events can we limit or rethink to increase our happiness and life?
The 12 house offers us to connect to the moon's energy and our psychic ability for our healing. This can be beneficial in Spring to renew ourselves and gain personal growth.
We are in Taurus season and there's many planetary activities in the 6th house where Taurus is right now. The energy right now is strong for the home and everything that affects the home. If there's any issues regarding what our routine has been, the job we have or wish to have and how all of this has affected our personal health, we can work on healing and improve these areas of our lives.
You may have found leading up to this full moon that you had to change things several times or find that a thing or someone has changed. Some of these changes may have felt forced. This is a clear sign to slow down, trust your intuition, listen, meditate and rethink.
One of Scorpio's life lessons is learning how to do things for self at a very early age. This can be admirable and a survival energy but it can also foster a lot of stress, fears, loneliness and doubt within a person.
On the positive side, this Scorpio Full Moon will encourage you to learn how to do things for yourself, a rebirth of self-confidence, like mastering or sharpening an old skill or learning new ways of getting things done better. This can offer you relief and comfort that you can do it!
Seek out that deep needed healing and swim upwards to a more clear and cleanse self for you and all your relationships.
~Happy Full Moon!